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Konan sem kyndir ofninn sinn

Eldhúsreyfarar miðaldra matargúrús á Skólavörðuholtinu


Ég er ekki með Stöð 2 og horfi ekki á Oprah. Líklega eins gott; samkvæmt þessari könnun eru þeir sem horfa á þáttinn mun verr haldnir af streitu en aðrir. Kannski spurning um orsök og afleiðingu, samt.

Hvernig stressfaktorinn er hjá áhorfendum Jerry Springer er kemur ekki fram þarna en hann hlýtur að vera nokkuð hár hjá ýmsum sem mæta í þáttinn - hér er til dæmis útdráttur úr þættinum sem á að sýna á morgun:

Clover has had it with her mother! She found out that her mother was a prostitute when she was a young girl. Now she has a daughter of her own and she says her mother either stops selling herself or Clover wants her out of her life for good! Then? Julie is here to confront both her man and his new lover! Her man tells Julie that if she?s more exciting in the bedroom, he wouldn?t stray? all said and done, his new lover is out in the cold! Next? Mary is here to confess to her fiancé that she?s been prostituting to make ends meet! She tells him she wants to stop but that he must step up and get a job to save their family!

Ég hef lítið horft á Jerry Springer en þetta slær greinilega Leiðarljós alveg út.
