Jóakim eða jólasveinninn
Millar - eða reyndar billar í þessu tilviki - eru náttúrlega misjafnir. En ríkasti og þriðji ríkasti maður heims virðast allavega mestu indælismenn. Minna frekar á jólasveininn en Jóakim frænda.
Og ríkasti maður í heimi virðist vera á því að fólk eigi að borga skattana sína - ríka fólkið líka:
,,In October, Buffett issued a challenge to members of the Forbes 400 richest Americans list, saying he would donate $1 million to charity if the collective group (or a significant number of them) would admit they pay less taxes, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries.
Days after issuing the challenge, Buffett appeared before Congress to encourage it to keep the estate tax. Armed with a few Forbes 400 issues, he told the hearing that "dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise." "