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Konan sem kyndir ofninn sinn

Eldhúsreyfarar miðaldra matargúrús á Skólavörðuholtinu


Nú er ég búin að átta mig á skyndilegum Íslandsáhuga bókaútgefandans og ljósmyndarans Viggo Mortensen. Ég var að lesa viðtal við hann og þá sá ég að Ísland var einfaldlega á réttum stað í stafrófinu:

,,Last year, I had made plans to visit Iraq and Israel. I was interested in seeing those places a little for myself, to take pictures, get to know people. Unfortunately, due to professional and personal obligations, I was unable to go."

Og hér er það sem Viggo hefur að segja um tvo leiðtoga - þið megið geta hverja:

,,He's well suited to be a leader, in part because of his interest in different cultures, his extensive travels ... He's always looking for what he has in common with other people. He is inclined to be compassionate, show mercy; that's the way he was raised, what he's been taught."

,,With regard to history, his record with regard to foreign relations, the environment, the economy, concern for the average citizen ... I can't think of any accomplishment that will put him anywhere else than in last place historically ... it's hard to think that there's anything other than public relations -- getting people to swallow huge lies so you can get your dirty work done -- that he will be considered remarkable for."
