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Konan sem kyndir ofninn sinn

Eldhúsreyfarar miðaldra matargúrús á Skólavörðuholtinu


Ekki vissi ég að ofurkyntröllið Fabio, sem prýðir kápur ótal amerískra ástarsagna, væri líka rithöfundur. En það er hann víst, allavega að nafninu til, og hefur meira að segja skrifað bókina ,,Viking", sem gerist að einhverju leyti á Íslandi. Hér er lýsing á söguþræðinum:

,,Sexy actor Marcello Lazaro is wrapping up his latest film -- a Viking epic ___ when he falls asleep during a break and dreams that he is a Viking, living in Iceland.

When he awakens, Marcello expects the dream to end. Instead, he finds he's been transported back through time to the Viking era where he is known as Viktor, the warrior king. While leading the Vikings in battle against a tribe of barbarians, Viktor spots a woman he feels he's known before -- a woman more beautiful that any other. But he is forbidden any contact, for she is Reyna the Ravisher, an enemy warrior who has vowed to kill Viktor and all Vikings.

Still Viktor can't deny the primal urge he feels toward this wild woman. and Now he must find a way to capture her, tame her and show her that their destinies are intertwined."

Þessi merka bók er í boði á Ebay á einn dollar. Ég ætla samt ekki að bjóða í hana.
