Lifað á loftinu
,,Breatharians" bárust í tal í vinnunni í dag. Það kom upp úr dúrnum að með því að kenna þetta sem víðast er sennilega hægt að leysa öll hungurvandamál heimsins á einu bretti.
Já, og vandamál tengd vatnsskorti ... og svefnvandamál ... og ég veit ekki hvað og hvað:
The Breatharian, because he takes no foods into the body, therefore, essentially has no further need for water either, as water appears to be the cleanser, and since the stuff which is cleansed from the body (food products and their toxic by-products) are no longer present in the body, there is essentially no further need for the cleanser, water.
A Breatharian should sleep very little, to none at all. A Breatharian should be among the most powerful of folks, not necessarily in muscular strength, but in the ability to go and go and keep on going, when others would have long since had to stop for food, water, and rest.
Nema það yrði náttúrlega lítil þörf fyrir mig og mína sérþekkingu lengur ef þetta yrði almennt.