Hvað er í hamborgurum?
Ég borða sjaldan hamborgara aðra en þá sem ég bý til sjálf. Og var að lesa áðan grein á netinu sem jók nú ekki beinlínis löngun mína í skyndibita-hamborgara. Allavega ekki ameríska. Hér eru niðurstöður greinarinnar (úr Annals of Diagnostic Pathology) í stuttu máli:
Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating?
Americans consume about 5 billion hamburgers a year. It is presumed that most hamburgers are composed primarily of meat. The purpose of this study is to assess the content of 8 fast food hamburger brands using histologic methods.
Eight different brands of hamburgers were evaluated for water content by weight and microscopically for recognizable tissue types. … Water content by weight ranged from 37.7% to 62.4% (mean, 49%). Meat content in the hamburgers ranged from 2.1% to 14.8% (median, 12.1%). The cost per gram of hamburger ranged from $0.02 to $0.16 (median, $0.03) and did not correlate with meat content.
Electron microscopy showed relatively preserved skeletal muscle. A variety of tissue types besides skeletal muscle were observed including connective tissue (n = 8), blood vessels (n = 8), peripheral nerve (n = 8), adipose tissue (n = 7), plant material (n = 4), cartilage (n = 3), and bone (n = 2).
Fast food hamburgers are comprised of little meat (median, 12.1%). Approximately half of their weight is made up of water. Unexpected tissue types found in some hamburgers included bone, cartilage, and plant material; no brain tissue was present. Sarcocystis parasites were discovered in 2 hamburgers.
Semsagt, kjötinnihaldið (vöðvar) í amerískum skyndibitahamborgara getur verið alveg niður í 2,1%. Hitt er vatn, bandvefur, æðar, taugar, fita, brjósk, bein og einhver jurtaefni. Enginn heilavefur fannst í sýnunum, það er nú ágætt - en einhverjir hnýslar sem ég kann ekki skil á í tveimur sýnum af átta.
Langar einhvern í hamborgara?